Wednesday 15 October 2014



“Many women have the attitude that success is for others. Nonsense! Acknowledge that you’re worthy and deserving of success.”  - Adele Benvie
This piece seeks to inspire and motivate women, especially those in the business field dominated by matriacle culture. I came across the above heading whilst picking up an old issue of the Destiny Magazine and thought this could not be a more fitting title for my blog. I cannot help but agree with the words of Adele Benvie, in general women cannot help but feel lesser about them compared to their male counterparts when it comes to business or being in positions of power.  However this may not always be the case, because if we look throughout history there have been women in powerful positions who also happen to have been listed as influential women. An example of this would be women like; Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel (The Germany Chancellor) and Michelle Obama just to name a few.  In South Africa we have initiatives such as take a girl child to work day, it is initiatives such as these that we need more of, to help bolster the number of women in Business in South Africa.

Sisters doing it For Themselves
South African entrepreneurial women can look up to women like self-made millionaire Ipeleng Mkhari  and various other influential women like Coni Fergurson, Nhlanhla Nciza and former Miss South Africa Basetsana Khumalo, as these women are living examples that success is possible for women in a male dominant world. The fear of success, Abraham Maslow coined the phrase “a Joanna Complex” writer Fiona Coyne who wrote the book “Who Moved My Ladder” a success guide for women; goes on to describe this as a feeling that women get when they seek, above all a sense of innerfulfilment and that they only achieve this when they realize their potential in its entirety and become all that they can be.

Beautiful Powerful You

Not outer beauty but inner beauty, the mind to create and think up new solutions to problems and entrepreneurial ideas; But to feel this way one must first learn to love themselves. One of America’s song writer and singer Whitney Houston said that learning to love yourself was the greatest love of all. I have to say I agree with this too, because as much as we give love to other people and things we need to do the same for ourselves and invest in ourselves. Remember the key to happiness and success: Dream big, work hard stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.

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