Friday 31 October 2014

                                                                 Made In China

This a label I am sure we all have come across before, whether it be on a electronic device or a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes for that matter. China over the years has become one of the leading manufactures surpassing Japan so much that it has become one of the leading economies. However we can say that this is contributed by this countries large population and huge labour force, also not forgetting its 'lax' labour laws. China is part of the BRICS setup a joint coalition of five countries, the acronym BRICS stands for (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). 

On the other hand, trade agreements between South Africa and China have left many South Africans jobless and unemployed. This is evident in the Eastern Cape whereby in the 1990's factories like Da Gama - a clothing textile factory used to provide many with jobs and an income to fend for their families. This was also the case in the Western Cape. However this was not to be the case as South Africa made trade agreements and embargo's that would cripple this country's clothing and textile industry. South Africa has become so dependent on China that it cannot do anything to upset the Chinese government or this will result in a loss of a R200 billion trade agreement between the two countries. Nationally over a 100 000 jobs have been lost between 2002 and 2010 due to cheap Chinese imports which have hem ridged the local market... S.A imports more than 19 billion worth of electronic devices and apparatus yearly from China.  

The recent controversial disallowing of the Dalai Lama to enter South Africa to attend a Nobel Prize l ceremony saw a public outcry whereby many see South Africa as a polecat. This is after the Tibetan spiritual leader was denied access into the country as this would hamper the countries trade agreement with China. 

Made in China, has South Africa become china's puppet or has the world become china's puppet?

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