Wednesday 8 October 2014

                       Money is not everything, but everything is Money!!!

I’m sure we all have ambitions or had ambitions of being as rich as Warren Buffet or Donald Trump or even having as much money as sheiks, or probably becoming a business magnate like Richard Branson.  Well, growing up my father always used to say to me that ‘MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING, BUT EVERYTHING IS MONEY.’ It wasn’t until later on in life I would come to realize the true meaning of this saying, whether it’s going on a dinner date or just to the movies with friends one can agree that money will certainly be spent. The following piece will go on to try provide solutions to people during these tough economic times and also leave some change in your pockets and get your money’s worth.

 This can be said to be true, as the more you invest or put in financial support in the hopes of receiving a better return. However this is not always the case but the fact remains that it takes some form of money to get started. I came to realize this while sitting in business class during my schooling days as nothing comes for free, trust me nothing! So a considerable investment can be made in trying to obtain what you desire.
If there’s one thing that sport has taught me during my junior years, that would have to be discipline. It takes a lot of discipline to save and saving can be one of the hardest things to do especially with all the influences around and adverts always promoting new products.
Get your children to learn the importance of saving at a very young age, as you never know what the future holds. The concept of saving at a young age is important as this will allow them to reap the rewards of their patience, they will also learn to appreciate the value of money a bit more and become more financially independent in life. They will also know that they have planned ahead, especially when the cost of living is at an all time high and stagflation has taken place.

Money is not everything but everything is money, as ambitious as we are we should realize that; excuse the cliché “money makes the world go round.” And that even people like your Warren Buffets, Donald Trump all started off by saving, so with that being said people should budget, plan and save money effectively. This should be a principle we teach all try to teach ourselves.


  1. I CAnt read any of this coz of The font colour and the background....

  2. I think you have inspired me to be a little wiser with my money, great post :)
