Friday 21 November 2014


It’s festive season and its the season for giving and also being generous. I’m sure we have all noticed the Christmas decorations go up and shops gearing everybody into the festive season, if not I don’t know where you’ve been you probably were just too busy to notice and are probably going catch on late to this fever, and marketing ploy.

December is that time of the year whereby we get to meet up with the family, long lost friends (good friends) and people in general. After a long tiring year one deserves to have a break, most of the working class probably are getting their bonuses or their 13th cheque’s and are probably feeling like they have won the national lotto. This is where I come in to share some advice a sort of survival guide for these holidays and ask that consumers should tone it down and go easy on the spending this festive.

Someone once told me that “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail,” and I think this is very true because if one fails to save up in preparation for the festive season, one will start to find themselves without money or in debt with financial Micro lending outlets or ‘loan sharks’ .

 This will result in you soon ushering in the New Year with an uphill battle and your name being blacklisted by Credit Bureau, this is why it is advisable to plan ahead. 

 The festive season is the time to wind down and regroup this also means we should save during this time because there is nothing more saddening than to see children not going to school because of reckless expenditure over the December holidays. 

It is a common trend to see events of this nature occur in South Africa and especially around the more poverty stricken communities. This is just a little heads up for the December holidays your survival guide for this festive.

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