Tuesday 23 September 2014

Climbing The Corporate Ladder

Roughly a year ago a damaging report of rape and extortion scandal circulated the secretary general of the trade union confederation Cosutu (Congress of South African Trade Unions) Zwelinzima Vavi, when his accuser filed charges of rape against the political bigwig.Vavi then came under fire and under public scrutiny and found himself under suspension for a couple of months, but he returned to the political scene earlier on this year. This can be seen as a typical example of how woman are used for lack of a better term. The following piece will try and uplift women and to help them know that they too can make it in the business world. “Climbing the corporate ladder” most of us are familiar with this term as it is mainly used in business jargon or as motivation to get people to work harder and do more. So I took the liberty to Google this term and it came up with the following definition.

 Definition of 'Corporate Ladder' A conceptualized view of a company's employment hierarchy in which career advancement is considered to follow higher rungs on a ladder, with entry-level positions on the bottom rungs and executive level positions at the top. www.investo

As we all know there’s no easy road to success and we as people may seem to get the impression that there’s an elevator action or straight road. However this may not seem to be the case. As the saying goes there is no easy road to success and I would most likely agree. However, this can be said to be otherwise when we have people in top positions misusing their power for their own frivolous reasons. The case stated above is nothing new and I believe that women should also take a stand and not allow themselves to become victims or objects of such behavior and stand tall for women, As women are intelligent and beautiful but most of all the back bone of this world. They should not be silenced by this male dominated world they should also keep things professional. A wonderful example of women in the business world who have proved influential according to Bona magazine women such as Bonang Matheba , Minnentle Dlamini, Lira and Connie Ferguson in no particular order. Women are the flowers of this world and they should believe strongly in themselves. I feel that cases like this should be handled with much more harsher measures.